How to format your message in Connect

With Connect, you can easily format your text to include hyperlinks, lists, dividers, colorful buttons, and more.

Here's a complete list of currently supported message formatting features:

Text / font formatting

  1. Change font
  2. Change font size
  3. Change text color
  4. Bold text
  5. Italicize text
  6. Underline text
  7. Align text (left, center, right)

Message actions

  1. Create numbered list
  2. Create bulleted list
  3. Insert divider
  4. Add image
  5. Attach file
  6. Add link
  7. Insert button

Adding a button

To easily add a colorful button to your message, click the Add Button control in the message formatting toolbar.

Then, you'll be able to create your button by defining the following button attributes:

  • Button text
  • Link
  • Button color
  • Button size (small, medium, large)
  • Button shape (rounded, square, pill)

Once you click Save, the button will be inserted in the message. You can click the button in the message to Edit the button, Remove the button, or Open (test) the button link.

The default alignment for a newly added button is Center. To adjust the button alignment, click the button, then use the alignment controls in the message formatting toolbar to align the button left, center, or right.