GabrielSoft - How to create a Mega Menu Group

A Mega Menu Group is a tool you can use to organize your website's navigation. Essentially, a Mega Menu Group is a drop-down menu that groups related pages into categories. Here are the steps to add a mega menu to your website:


Enable Mega Menus in the Header Settings

Log in to your site and click on the Header Settings icon (located along the left edge of your site's header). Once the Header Settings dialog appears, locate the Nav Menu Drop-Downs setting. Then, choose your preferred Mega Menu style: Small Mega Menu or Large Mega Menu.

Once you've enabled the Mega Menu style you prefer, click Save at the bottom of the Header Settings dialog. Then, be sure to click the green checkmark icon to Publish your new header settings once you've set up the Mega Menu (pictured below).


Drag and drop the Mega Menu Group icon into the Site Map Editor

After you've enabled the Mega Menu, click on Site Map in the white Admin Toolbar to open the Site Map Editor. Then, locate the Mega Menu Group icon in the Site Map Toolbar. Click the Mega Menu Group icon, then drag and drop it into the Site Map Editor. You will then be prompted to enter a name for the new Mega Menu Group. Once entered, click Save. Repeat the process if you wish to create multiple Mega Menu Groups.


Drag and drop pages into the Mega Menu

Next, drag and drop any new or existing pages into the Mega Menu (illustrated above). Once you've finalized your changes, click Save, then Save/Exit.

Click Edit Website in the blue Admin Toolbar to return to your homepage and test your newly created Mega Menu Group(s)!

Best practices for creating Mega Menu Groups


Drop the Mega Menu Group at the top or bottom of a main navigation group

While creating a Mega Menu Group in the Site Map Editor, you may see the following error message: Groups cannot exist between pages/links.

If you see this error message, you must drop the Mega Menu Group icon at the top or bottom of a main navigation group (as illustrated above). Once you have created multiple Mega Menu Groups, you can drag and drop to rearrange the order of the Mega Menu Groups.


Put all your pages into groups

Mega Menu Groups work best when  all pages within a main navigation item are part of a group. Having "floating" pages (i.e., pages that aren't part of a Mega Menu Group) can cause confusion for your visitors. Given the way Mega Menu Groups are formatted, the "floating" pages can appear to be part of the nearest group (illustrated below).


Create more than one group

Similarly, it's best to have at least two Mega Menu Groups within a main navigation item (illustrated below). Having only one Mega Menu Group doesn't create as clear of a separation between pages as if you create multiple groups.

Related: The art of building an awesome site map

Make your site map the best it can be! Check out The art of building an awesome site map on the eCatholic blog.